Garbage & Recycling

Current GFL (formerly PDC) rates effective July 1, 2021:

Residents living in the city limits participate in an All-Cart program that includes both trash and recycling service. The fee is $15.25 per month. 

Click here for the GFL Website.

Solid Waste Pricing Chart 5-4-2020


  • Each household may select either one 65-gallon cart (holds appr. six 13-gallon kitchen bags) OR one 95-gallon cart (holds appr. ten 13-gallon kitchen bags) for trash service.

PDC Cart sizes and types

  • Trash service is picked up weekly. It must be at the curb before 6:00 AM on your collection day. 
  • Private containers and garbage bags can be set out in addition to the material in the cart.
  • Private containers and garbage bags are limited to 36 gallons in size and must weigh less than 50 pounds per unit.
  • Unacceptable items: E-Waste, paint (liquid form), batteries, concrete, rocks, dirt, tires or yard waste.


  • Each household may select either one 65-gallon cart (holds appr. six 13-gallon kitchen bags) OR one 95-gallon cart (holds appr. ten 13-gallon kitchen bags) for recycling service.
  • Recycling participants MUST use the PDC-issued cart which is included in the base fee.
  • All recyclables go in the cart loose. Do not bag recyclables in plastic grocery bags or plastic garbage bags.
  • Recycling service is picked up every other week on the same day as your garbage pick-up day. It must be at the curb before 6:00 AM on your collection day. 
  • Recycled glass items are not picked up curbside, however, a container for glass recycling has been provided at the entrance of Georgetown Road (south of the BUS24/Mount Vernon Drive intersection).


  • Weekly yard waste collection at the curb is an optional service available on an annual subscription basis. 
  • The fee is $120 a year payable at $10 per month and includes the use of a 95-gallon cart with a green lid. 
  • Yard waste collection will be weekly on Fridays throughout the City from April through November. 
  • Extra volume beyond the cart needs to be properly set out:
    • All material needs to be in a brown paper yard waste bag. 
    • All bundled yard waste must be less than 4 feet in length. 
    • Please tie bundles with non-metallic cords, such as twine.


AREA-Morton, 1090 W. Jefferson St., Morton, IL.
Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. 
Saturday 8:00 a.m. - Noon (seasonally).
Phone: (309)263-2390

Yard Waste

  • Residents who do not want subscription services can drop off yard waste at AREA-Morton for $2.50 per bag. 


  • Bulky items are items too large to fit inside your trash container.
  • Items include:
    • Furniture
    • Mattresses
    • Building materials
  • There will be a city-wide clean-up on your normal pick-up day. Click here to view the calendar.
  • For a bulky item pickup outside of the clean-up day, you can call GFL to schedule it. The fee will be $15 per item. You MUST call (309)674-5176 to schedule a special pickup.  


  • An additional cart may be rented for either garbage or recycling for an additional $2.50 a month, paid quarterly in advance.
  • Walk-up service is available for an additional $8 per month. 
  • To establish service or obtain additional information, please contact their customer service department by calling (309)674-5176.