Historic Preservation Commission
The City of Washington flourishes with a rich history and strives to maintain and keep historical relevance while planning and developing the community for future generations. To learn more about the history of Washington, we encourage visitors and residents to contact and support The Washington Historical Society.
Washington Historical Society:
The mission of the Washington Historical Society is to preserve Washington’s rich history and share it with current and future generations via education, activities, and community outreach. Following an upcoming building restoration project at our new office building at 128 Washington Square, our archives will be open to the public for research, likely in mid 2021. We are a tax-exempt organization that is sustained by our members and others who make donations of time and money. Most events are free and open to the public.
Learn more about the Washington Historical Society here: https://washingtonilhs.com/
Historic Preservation Commission
Staff Liaison: Jon Oliphant, Planning and Development Director
- Dan Bagley
- Denny Dingledine
- Brent Goken
- Dan Phillips
- Walter Ruppman
- Nancy Silverthorn
- Leri Slonneger
This Commission consists of seven (7) members who reside within the city. Members are appointed by the Mayor with consent of the City Council. Meetings are held as needed.
For more information regarding the Historic Preservation Commission and its duties and responsibilities, the City Code of Ordinances can be found by clicking here.
- Historic Preservation Commission Meeting Minutes 10-30-23
- Historic Preservation Commission Meeting Minutes 10-12-22
- Historic Preservation Commission Meeting Minutes 9-7-22
- Historic Preservation Commission Meeting Minutes 11-11-21
- Historic Preservation Commission Meeting Minutes 10-5-21
- Historic Preservation Commission Meeting Minutes 9-2-21
Contact Us

Planning & Development Director
- Business: (309) 444-3196
- Staff Directory
- Hours: M - F 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.